For a month or so now, friends (and strangers) have heard me talk about the Divine Bunny Trail. I’m pretty sure some people think I’m talking to bunnies in my head and let’s just say that’s not too far off — kidding, kind of. So I’ve decided that the best way to introduce the Divine Bunny Trail is to tell you how I realized it was there.
A friend and I were talking about my most favorite city in the world: New York City. The best times I’ve had in in New York have happened when I had no plan. My favorite days (that turn into nights) in New York happen when I step out the door and fill the day with walking, discovering, meeting new people, and following the unforeseen path; head first into memories that I’ll have forever. This conversation was the first time I had put my philosophy about “doing New York right” into words, and in verbalizing these ideas, I realized that my advice to anyone visiting NYC is this: You don’t actually “do” New York, it does you (in the best way). You have to let New York happen to you. Don’t hold too tight to lofty expectations, just do what feels right and fun in the moment and watch how the day and night unfold for you in all of their exciting possibility.
Actually, the idea of possibility is huge when thinking of the DBT. Like I said, you can’t hold too tight to one set of expectations on the DBT. Instead lean into the possibilities of what could happen. Embrace the unknown because even though you may not know what’s going to happen, you have to trust that whatever is coming your way is yours for a reason. I have a hard time relating to people who are scared of the unknown because I find the unknown to be the most exciting and romantic part of life. Sometimes I wish I could speed up time so I could find out what happens, but I also know that the fun is in the waiting and the anticipation. There’s no way to know what’s going to happen to you, in both the short and long run of your life — the minute to minute and five years from now. And to me at least, that’s the coolest thing ever. For followers of the Divine Bunny Trail, the unknown is the carrot at the end of the stick.
At first I thought the Divine Bunny Trail was a travel philosophy but then I realized, the Divine Bunny Trail can be applied to every facet of life. Hop on the Divine Bunny Trail for happiness and clarity in your career, relationships, and your day to day.
Head + Heart alignment is the name of the game when looking to get on the Divine Bunny Trail. When you’re in it, Head + Heart alignment feels like you just had a really strong espresso — or a small amount of ecstasy. Like, just a little bit. A while back my head and heart were operating on different planes, but when I took the necessary steps to get into Head + Heart alignment, the result was extremely visceral. It was as if I could see my heart, which had been floating somewhere to my left, zoom back into place. While my brain — which had been floating somewhere to my right — zoomed back into my head. All at once, they were where they belonged; in line with one another and communicating honestly with each other for the first time in a long time. I immediately felt whole, aligned, and light as a feather. And like I was on ecstasy, lol.
Being in Head + Heart alignment can also feel like flow state. Think back to a project, at work or otherwise, that you thoroughly enjoyed working on. One that didn’t feel like work and that you couldn’t put down. That’s an exciting, up high and sparkly, flow state. Head + Heart alignment also reminds me of the fourth or fifth time listening to a really good album; you know, before you’ve listened to it too many times and you’re still able to be so in it, hanging onto each lyric and feeling them to your bones; volume all the way up because you just want more more more. (Shoutout to Ariane Grande’s new album Sweetener).
It’s such a powerful feeling, that once you’re in Head + Heart alignment, it’s really easy to recognize when you’re not in it. Don’t know if you’ve ever been in Head + Heart alignment? That’s OK, start by recognizing your energy when in certain situations or around certain people. Start collecting data. Get quiet and listening to your intuition, your gut feeling, your spidey senses and your inner bun bun. For example: I like me best when I feel really up high and sparkly (picture my hands above my head making jazz hands). So when a situation makes me feel dull, like there’s molasses-like resistance, like I can’t be up high and sparkly, or like I can’t be my true self, I know it’s not the right situation, person or place for me.
Take note of the things that do make you feel up high and sparkly. And do more of that. Take note of the ones and people who don’t. Let them goooooo. Embrace the unknown. Prioritize having fun. Listen to your inner bun bun and I promise, Head + Heart alignment will come and the DBT will unveil itself to you.
People use the saying ‘right place, right time,’ a lot, but in reality — or in my version of it — we are always in the right place at the right time. And that’s more or less what the Divine Bunny Trail boils down to: the unshakeable belief that you are exactly where you need to be in this moment. I like to picture the DBT as an actual trail. A trail where your next move lights up like in a video game. How do you know where the path will light you? Just get quiet and listen to your inner bun bun. What do you want? Forget what other people want or what they want you to want. What do you want? Do you feel like for whatever reason you need to change course and head to that one restaurant or bar right now? Go, because you probably do. It might not be obvious or immediate, but if you feel it, it’s right and you should go! The Divine Bunny Trail always provides.
To date, my most memorable DBT experiences have come from being a little sneaky. (Mischief has always been my preferred operating procedure.) So when you’re trying to sneak into a music festival or onto the field at Qualcomm Stadium to see BEYONCE (best night of my life), you really need to trust the Divine Bunny Trail to light the way. And know that even if you don’t get in, you’ll have a good story to tell anyway. But for the record: I haven’t failed yet and that’s because I trust in divine bun bun energy.
If you’ve ever read or seen Harry Potter, you’ll remember Liquid Luck, or Felix Felicis, a rare and hard-to-make potion that promises the drinker good luck. When you’re tuned into the DBT, it feels a lot like that. So have fun, trust the DBT, don’t have any expectations, take your time, and embrace the unknown. Also: get a bike and ride it as much as possible because we miss too much when we’re in cars.